In today's world EVERYONE needs self-care. The stress levels are way too high with technology, extra activities, media, work or school pressures, and daily demands we are all suffering, even our children do not know how to relax. People are out of balance. It is time to stop, breathe and honor yourself! Here are some easy ways you can start helping yourself.
The beautiful thing about Jin Shin Jyutsu is that you can do it to yourself!
You can start to bring healing and relaxing energy to yourself by simply holding your fingers.
(I recommend doing this everyday- think of it as your daily dose on energy like a multi-vitamin to help keep you in balance.)
To begin take 3 slow deep breaths
- choose one hand to hold, or if you can do both hands.
- with your other hand gently grip a finger from the opposite hand.
- hold each finger for roughly 2 mins. or longer if you would like.
- hold all the fingers of one hand, and then place the finger tips of the holding hand into the center of the opposite hand that you were working on into the palm see the "X" mark for 2 mins.
- take 3 slow deep breaths again to finish.
You can do this anytime throughout your day, just complete one hand daily. If you do this at bedtime it will help put you to sleep, and most of the time people will fall asleep before they finish holding all of their fingers and that is fine.
When you look at this hand chart you will see that each finger has a negative attitude associated to it as well as different organs of the body. If you are having any issues with any of these attitudes or any organ related problems. Hold those fingers more often to help yourself.
This art form works on the energy pathways within the human body. Energy blockages can happen on these pathways from various reasons; diet, attitudes, lifestyles , medications or injuries can cause energy to slow down or be diverted which will lead to minor or even major problems somewhere in the body.
JSJ can help undo the blockages.
This video shows the benefits of JSJ from medical doctors with cancer patients.
This link will take you to JSJ corp. website where it covers different ailments from back, shoulders, eyes, sleep, digestion issues and much more...
JIN SHIN JYUTSU® literally translated is:
JIN - Man of Knowing and Compassion
SHIN - Creator
(Art of the Creator through man of knowing and compassion)
By simply holding wherever the issues are for 2 min. minimum with both of your hands you can start to help yourself ... Do these holds as often as you can until the problems are gone.
Meditating is so powerful in balancing your stress and energy levels. Give it a try by seeing how you feel before you start this video and then how you feel after the video.
This is a 15-minute video on affirmations. When you start any sentence with "I AM" you are beginning to set your intentions for your live in many ways. You can listen to this video once in a while or take the 21-day challenge to make changes in your live quickly. You can add or change any of the affirmations in this video to fit what your needs or desires are.
Help re-balance your mind, body & soul energies with this video. Just get comfortable for 30 mins, close your eyes and let the music help to harmonize you!
Lay down or sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and start taking 9 slow deep breaths, just feel your breath come in and out of your body.
On the next 9 breaths visualize when you exhale all that is stressing you and release all negative energy from your body. As you do this also relax your body more and more with each breath.
On the next 9 breaths image yourself floating on a cloud and with every inhale think about taking in warm loving positive energy, like a big hug. Each time you breath feel yourself getting lighter and lighter.
On the last 9 slow deep breaths, just again feel your breath come in and out of your body.
When you are finished slowly open your eyes and move your feet and hands. You have just completed 36 breaths which will re-set you, and bring you back into balance.
This simple meditation will only take you 15 mins. but hopefully you can stay and relax for longer.
You do not have to go to a yoga class to stay flexible and release stored up stress and tighness in your body. Simply spend 30 mins once or twice a week. Take a few deep breaths before you begin this helps to oxygenate the muscles. Start at your neck and work your way down to your ankles making sure to stretch or rotate each area of your body. (Follow the video above)
Start in a standing position, feet shoulder width apart. (Always hold a stretch for roughly 8 secs.)
1. slow neck circles ( 3 full circles in each direction)
2. turn your head to the right and hold for 8 secs and then to the left for 8 secs. and repeat once.
3. Shoulder circles (5 times each direction) to the front and then to the back.
4. Wrist circles ( 5 times each direction).
5. Tricep pulls- take right arm over right shoulder and use your left hand on right elbow to push arm back slightly. Do the same to left arm, and then repeat once.
6. Swing your arms forward and than backwards at chest level, several times
7. Do full arm circles, right arm forward 5 times, than backwards 5 times. Now do the left arm the same.
8. Put your hands on your waist and then bend forward hold for 8 secs- as far as you can comfortably. Now to your right side and hold, then back and hold, then left side and hold, repeat three times.
Continue stretching. Do what feels good to you and your body as you continue all the way down your body.
20. lastly ankle circles, really stretch these good. 5 circles in each direction- one foot at a time .
The liver is the largest filtering organ in your body, so it is very important to keep it functioning properly.
- You need 9 to 10 oz cup of warm or hot filtered or bottled spring water (I prefer Crystal Geyser brand in the large gallon containers). Do Not use the microwave to warm your water for it changes the structure of the water.
- Add 2 tablespoons on freshly squeezed organic lemon juice into the water.
- You can also add fresh slices of ginger and/ or 1 to 2 teaspoons of organic raw honey if you would like.
Do this a half hour in the morning before you eat or drink anything else for 8 days
While doing this cleanse you should eliminate; alcohol, caffeine, and reduce sugar, red meat & greasy/fatty foods for 8 days.